16 Uses & Benefits of Coconut Oil for face

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If you are searching for coconut oil on face, here are all details regarding coconut oil for face skin, along with its uses and benefits.

Coconut oil for face :

Coconut oil has got a lot of benefits for not only hair and health but also for face. Several scientific researches has proved that people who use it on daily basis stays healthy and young forever. This is one great secret behind health & beauty of Kerala ( a Indian state ) people. Almost everyone in Kerala use it for cooking. They even use it for hair and body massage. Because of this, their skin looks so much healthy and shiny. 

Not only in Kerala, but people in almost all states in India use it as a natural beauty product. And these days because of it's huge benefits almost people in all countries like Unites States, Unites Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Australia and Unites Arab Emirates are using it in various ways.

Though a lot of people are using it, a lot other are in confusion to use it or not. This is because of a lot of doubts they have regarding its usage on face. So for this I have made some research and listed all the doubts people have regarding it and then written answers for it. Below is explanation for all the doubts regarding it along with the uses and benefits. Just go through them.

How to use coconut oil for face

It depends on you. You can apply it directly on your skin or you can use it while cooking or you can drink it directly. You can also mix some other natural home remedies like honey, aloe vera gel, sugar, papaya smash and many other for better results. And it completely depends on you. 

Is coconut oil safe for face

Yes, 100%. it is completely safe for face. Even doctors and Ayurvedic gurus suggest it for. So, you don't need to worry or panic about that. You can happily apply coconut oil on face. And while drinking it directly make sure that you doesn't exceed the dosage ( 2 or 3 table teaspoons ). If you are allergic to it, better not to drink. And even while using it for cooking, make sure that it is pure and safe for cooking. 

Is coconut oil good for your face

Is coconut oil good for your face image - Tipsmonk

Yes it is. This is not just said by me or someone other. But this is recommended by thousands of doctors, Ayurvedic masters and beauticians. It is one of those best home remedies for face you can get in your kitchen. This makes your face skin healthy, glowing, smooth, silky, beautiful and gorgeous. So I faithfully promise that it is good for your face.

What kind of coconut oil for face

This is another doubt people get before using coconut oil for face. What kind of to be used. Though there are some big brands like Nutiva, Barlean's, Virgin, Parachute, Vatika and many other, I personally recommend you to buy the oil directly from any local stores. We people living in rural areas get them from local stores only. There they make it make it good and pure. Search and find some coconut oil machines stores in your local area and buy it from there. Because that's the best and pure coconut oil you could get.

Coconut Oil uses & benefits for face

1. For natural glow on skin
You might be tired off by searching for best home remedies for skin glow. If so, you can relax now. What all you need to do now is to sue coconut oil on face. Coconut oil is one of the best recommendations by many beauticians for natural glow. 

Yes, you don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on cosmetics and beauty products for this. What all you need is some good and pure coconut oil. Just massage for 5 to 10 minutes on facial skin daily before you go to bed. Try this for 15 to 20 days. And I bet you will get unbelievable glow on your facial skin. This is a proven natural treatment.
2. Natural treatment for varicose veins
For many people varicose veins on facial skin ( generally in red colour and sometimes green ) stands as great hindrance for their beauty. And for this they need to spend a lot for some medications and surgeries. And though they do all these stuff, many times they are left with unsatisfied results. 

For those, coconut oil is the best solution. According to a scientific study, regular massage with it can treat varicose veins naturally. But remember, don't massage harshly, do it smoothly & gently. And I promise, you will be happy with the results by the end of 1 month. Really a great benefit, right ?

3. For healing scars
Even a small scar on face can make you look ugly though how fit and perfect you are. Though some scars get healed with creams, some remain permanently. And they don't get healed though how badly you use cosmetics.

 And for such kind of scars, coconut oil works like magic. What all you need to do is to massage on scars for 10 to 15 minutes daily. Add pure aloe vera gel and lemon juice for better results. Don't expect amazing results in 1 or 2 days, try it for 3 to 4 weeks. Yes you need to have patience to make great things happen.

4. As scrub to clear dead cells
Massaging with good scrub twice in a week is as important as using creams every night. Though how well your creams work on your skin, there remains some dead cells which makes your face look bad. So, for this massage with sugar and coconut oil scrub. Just mix them both and massage for 5 to 10 minutes. Now relax for 30 to 45 minutes. Then wash with warm water. This is very useful in removing dead cells naturally.

5. Drink for healthy skin
Have you ever observed the skin of Kerala people. It looks really healthy. In my childhood there used to be a few Kerala teachers in my school and I used to keep their skin observing. And I used to wonder how healthy their skin is. When I asked them regarding this, they answered me that they use coconut oil a lot because of its abundance in their state. And they suggested me to drink at least 1 or 2 table teaspoons of coconut oil everyday for healthy skin. So for all those who need healthy facial skin, I suggest to drink 1 or 2 table teaspoons of it. But be sure that it is pure and safe to drink.

6. Natural treatment for chapped, dry and cracked lips
Chapped( cracked or dry too ) lips can ruin your beautiful face. This mainly happens happens in western countries where there exists very low temperatures and in winter seasons. Some people experience this in summer too. And in those time, we generally depend on some lip balms and lip creams. But they doesn't give expected results. So for this, try coconut oil. Massage it gently on your lips for 2 or 3 minutes before you go to bed. And I am sure you will be satisfied with the results in 2 or 3 days.

7. Best treatment for wrinkles on face
If someone is getting old, we could find it through the wrinkles on their face. But sometimes, wrinkles can make look old for even young people too. And for those, wrinkles turn as nightmares. For this they need to spend thousands of dollars on various artificial cosmetics and surgeries. But what if, you could find a best alternative at very low cost. Amazed, right ?? 

Why late, just get some pure coconut oil and massage your facial skin with it for 10 to 15 minutes daily before you go to bed. Remember, you are not going to get best results with normal massage. Search for some massage techniques from experts, one being circular massage. Along these, try some facial exercises too for faster and better results.

8. To remove blackheads on nose
Really one of the great benefits. Blackheads on nose is one other common skin problem people face. Though this is mostly seen in men, women too face this problem. For the removal of blackheads, there exists many products in market. But most of them are artificial and they further leads to many problems. 

So try this simple tip I am going to say now. get some pure Aloe Vera gel and mix it in the coconut oil. Now apply this mixture on the black heads and rub it well. But don't do it harshly, your skin may turn red. Try this for 1 week. Try this for 3 to 4 days continuously, you will observe your blackheads getting disappeared slowly.

9. As face mask for curing pimples
You might be a little surprised with this. But that's the fact. Get a raw egg and separate the egg white from it. Now mix 1 table teaspoon of pure coconut oil in it and mix it well. You can call this as coconut oil face mask. Now apply this mask on the pimples ( better if you could apply on whole face ) and leave it for 30 to 45 minutes. Now it gets dried and you can peel off the layer formed on the skin.

During you peel off the layer, the fat substance in the pimples and dust particles on skin gets removed. With this your pimples get disappeared without any black marks. If you use some other cosmetic products and pimple creams, your pimples gets cured but your skin gets damaged.

10. Coconut oil for face wash
Do you know that you can use coconut oil for face wash. Yes, what all you need to do is apply it on your face and massage it for a while. Now gently wipe it with a cloth. You can get the complete details of how to use Coconut oil for face wash here. This simple technique moisturises your skin well and keeps it hydrated. 

11. Slows ageing ( aging ) process
According to a scientific research, people who used coconut oil regularly in their daily foods looks young and healthy even at the age of 60s and 70s. It is one of the best recommendations by doctors and Ayurvedic gurus for anti-ageing ( aging ). So don't miss the opportunity. Right from today, start using some it in your foods while cooking ( Virgin coconut oil is best for cooking ). This can make your face look young and fresh even in old age.

12. For pink lips
Whatever you say, pink or red or rose, coconut oil can make your black lips turn into beautiful attractive colour. What all you need to do is to mix some honey in it and apply massage your lips with it. This simple technique can make you lips pink and make your face sexy. Because pink lips can do a lot of things. 

13. Can treat cold sores
Cold sores on face, lips and around mouth are really painful. Generally doctor prescribe some kind of medicines or creams for it. But it takes time to heal them. For this problem, coconut oil is the best solution. Applying coconut oil on cold sores can help in healing them quickly. So the next time you get cold sores, try this simple technique. 

14. Best solution for dark circles under eyes
So you sleep very less due to insomnia, late night parties or heavy work and it lead to dark circles under eyes. And now you need to treat them as they are ruining prettiness on your face. Fine, here is a simple and best solution. Just massage your under eyes with pure coconut oil for 7 to 10 days. And I am sure all the dark circles under your eyes gets disappeared. One other great benefit, yes ?

15. Makes your facial skin silky smooth
Have you ever seen people with silky smooth skin. They look beautiful and awesome right ?? Whatever colour their skin can be, white, red or black but the silky smooth skin make them look gorgeous. And if you too want that kind of silky smooth skin, you need to start using coconut oil for face. You can either drink it directly or massage with it. And you can try both for faster results. At the end of 2 weeks, you will be left with silky smooth skin.

16. Best moisturiser for dry skin
If you are one among the people suffering with dry skin problem and depending on moisturisers to make your skin normal, here is a good news for you. The best moisturiser you could get at your home, and its none other than coconut oil. Yes, coconut oil is the best moisturiser for face and skin. This is scientifically proved, here is the proof for it. You can either drink coconut oil directly or apply it on your face. Both gives the best results. You can even use coconut oil while cooking. But be sure to choose the good coconut oil.

Conclusion :

And here the uses and benefits of coconut oil for face ends. Now you have got all the details regarding the usage. Why late, just go and get it and start using from today. If you know any other great benefits and uses, kindly mention them in the comments section. You can even mention your personal experiences too. Also kindly share this post in your social circle. I will be eagerly waiting to reply your comments.  

You can find a info graphic of Coconut oil on face with it's uses and benefits below.

Coconut oil for face Infographic - Uses and Benefits picture - Tipsmonk .jpg
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