20 Amla Juice benefits for Skin, Hair & Health

Amla ( Amalaki ) Juice benefits for skin, hair and health image - Tipsmonk

Are you searching for the Amla juice benefits for skin, hair & health ? Then here is a list of 20 benefits of Indian Gooseberry ( Amalaki ) juice.

Amla ( Amalaki ) , the most precious fruit for health & beauty according to Ayurveda. Not just Ayurveda says that, but even modern medical science has accepted this and published many articles regarding it's importance.

It has got many other names like Indian gooseberry, Phyllanthus emblica, Amalaki, Amalika and many other. Amalaki is one among the Triphala, which means three fruits which are considered very important and precious in Ayurveda. Such is the greatness of it.

To be frank many people are unknown of the complete benefits of Amla and it's other forms like powder, juice and capsules. But these days because of Ayurveda gaining it's popularity back, many people in India and other parts of the world like United States of America, Canada, Australia, Germany, China, Arab countries are searching a lot for knowing the complete benefits of it.

Because Amalaki is not available in all seasons and all parts of the world, the best and easy form available for everyone in all seasons is Juice. Anyone can buy Juice from any average store and even they could order it online.

Because Amla Juice has many benefits for Health, Skin and Hair, I have researched on Benefits of it through some ayurveda books & articles and listed 20 major and best benefits for Health, Skin and Hair. And since these days, people care much about their beauty( skin and hair ) than health, let me explain you the benefits for skin first, second hair and last health.

Amla Juice benefits for Skin

1. For Skin Glow

Do you know that consuming Amla Juice everyday can make your skin glow like never before. Probably you are unaware of this fact, right. But it's 100% true. Personally I have tried this and I am amazed with the results I got.

What all you need to do is to buy some fresh and pure Indian Gooseberry juice and consume 1 small cup of it along with water. Do this on every morning for 15 to 20 days. I promise, you are going to get glowing skin with this simple daily routine. You can also consume with pure cow milk for better results. Now, let's get into the second benefit.

2. Scrub for removing dead cells on skin

Dead cells can make your skin and face look dull. And this could be a hindrance for making yourself look beautiful. But don't worry, here is a simple beauty tip to clear all the dead cells on your face.

First take some amla juice in a cup and then add some sugar into it. Make sure to mix correctly so that it could be used as perfect scrub. Now apply this scrub on you skin and massage gently. Do massage for 10 to 15 minutes. And now leave it to settle for 10 minutes and then wash with warm water. That's it, this simple tip is going to make your skin dead cell free. Try this for 3 to 4 days for amazing results.

3. To remove wrinkles from face & neck naturally

Wrinkles on face & neck makes you look older than you are. Wrinkles on face and neck are really a nightmare for many women. So now let me explain how you can prevent and cure wrinkles on your face and skin with the help of amla juice.

First add some pure Indian Gooseberry juice into a cup or a bowl. Now add some Indian Gooseberry powder along with pure honey into it. Mix it well and make it into a fine paste. Now apply this gently on your face and skin under neck where you need to remove wrinkles. Massage with this paste for 10 to 15 minutes. And now leave it for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Now you could feel your skin getting so tight. Then clean it by washing your skin with warm water.

Try this for 10 to 15 days without any break, and then you will be really surprised with the results and your skin is going to turn wrinkle free for sure.

Amla ( Amalaki ) Juice benefits for skin image - Tipsmonk

4. Slows ageing process

Daily consumption of Indian Gooseberry can slow the ageing process. This is simply amazing, right ? Indian Gooseberry is high in Anti-oxidants. And with the daily consumption, damage of body cells gets reduced and this helps in slowing ageing process.

So consume 30ml to 40ml along with water either on early mornings or 1 hour before you go to bed to look young and fit.

5. Cure and prevents pimples on face

Pimples are one great hindrance for beautiful skin. Pimples are not only a major problem for girls ( women ) but also for boys ( men ). So, for whoever facing severe pimple problems, I recommend them to consume Indian Gooseberry juice daily.

Impure blood is the one major reason for pimples on face. And this is very effective in purifying blood and by consuming it everyday your blood gets purified and your face turns pimple free. 

6. Face pack for smooth & soft skin 

Who don't need smooth and soft skin, everyone need it, right ? And now if you need it in less the 7 days, just follow the simple tips I am going to give you now.

First get some fresh Indian Gooseberry juice and pour it in a bowl. Now add 1 table teaspoon of pure cow ghee along with 1 table teaspoon of pure almond oil. And now a pinch of pure turmeric. Mix it well so that it could be easy to apply.

Now apply this amla juice face pack on face skin and leave it for 40 minutes to 1 hour. And now clean with water. Follow this simple natural treatment for 7 days and you would be left with smooth and soft skin on the end of the week. 

7. Natural treatment for bright skin and removing dullness 

Is your skin looking so dull due to pollution and other causes ? And do you need to make your face look bright ? The just follow this simple and natural treatment I describe below.

Add 3 table teaspoons of Indian amalaki rasayan ( amla juice ) into a small bowl. Now add 3 table teaspoons of pure cow milk into it. Stir it well. Now get a cotton ball and dip it into the mixture. Then slowly massage you skin and face with the cotton ball. Leave it for 25 to 30 minutes. Then clean it with ice water. This natural treatment is going to make you look bright and remove dullness on face. Do this for 4 to 5 days for better results.

8. Face pack for Glowing skin

Though I have suggested to drink amla rasayan everyday for natural skin glow, here is another simple treatment for glowing skin. But this time it's not something you take in but something you apply on out.

First smash a ripe papaya and then mix it in a bowl with amalaki rasayan. Now add some honey and turmeric to it. Mix it well so that you could apply it on skin. Now apply on your face and skin, leave it for 30 to 40 minutes. Then wash it with warm water. Try this simple tip for 3 to 4 days and I am sure you will be amazed with the results.

Amla Juice benefits for Hair

9. Very effective in curing & preventing hair fall

Are you looking for some really amazing natural treatment to cure & prevent hair fall. Then here it is, Amla Juice. Yes, daily intake of amalaki rasayan is very effective is curing & preventing hair fall problems.

Regular intake helps your body in the absorption of calcium from the food, and this further helps in curing and preventing hair fall.

10. For curing dandruff

If you are suffering from severe dandruff problem, here is a simple way to cure it. First take some amla juice in a bowl. Now get some fresh lemon and squeeze them for juice. Now mix them well and apply it on hair. Massage well into the scalp and leave it for 1 hour.

Try this anti-dandruff treatment for twice in a week. I bet, all your dandruff problems will be cleared.

11. For Strong, Long & Black hair

Well, who doesn't need Strong, Long & Black hair, everyone..right ?? So if you are one among those who need strong, long & black hair just follow this simple tip. Drink 20 to 30 ml of amalaki rasayan along with cow milk everyday. Make sure you do this 1 hour before you go to bed.

Just try this natural tip for 45 days to 60 days. Your hair will really turn strong, long and black. believe me, this is a proven natural treatment.

12. To cure premature hair greying

Premature hair greying is one common problem seen in many people today. In fact, this isn't a common problem, this is a serious problem. My grand mother is 70 years old now and her hair started greying at the age of 45. And today, for many boys and girls, hair greying is getting started at the very tender age of 20 and 25. This is something that needs a serious action really.

Previously people used to follow a health lifestyle. They used to use natural treatments and alternative for almost every problem. And for hair greying, the best natural treatment is amla. Yes, you could use amla in any of it's forms and fight premature hair greying.

So, I suggest you to consume 30 to 40 ml of amalaki rasayan everyday to cure and prevent premature hair greying. Along this, make sure you massage your hair with Indian Gooseberry oil twice or thrice a week.

Amla Juice benefits for Health

13. The best natural medicine for weight loss

Today, millions of people are suffering from obesity in United States, Germany, Canada, Australia, Indian and in many other parts of the world. And people are spending millions for various kinds of surgeries and western medicines.

But with amalaki rasayan you can reduce your extra fat naturally and become thin & fit. And all it takes is less than 20 dollars. Even Yoga guru Baba Ramdev also recommends amla juice for weight loss and this is one of the prescription given for obesity patients at Patanjali Stores by Ayurvedic doctors.

So why late, just go and buy a bottle and start using it. Of course you could order it online too. Besides consuming it, also follow some good diet and do yoga, pranayama regularly. And I am sure, you will turn fit and curvy in less than 3 months.

14. Cures all kinds of eye problems

Today, because of over usage of laptops and mobiles, people suffer from a lot of eye problems like eye sight, eye burnings, blurry vision, watering eyes and a lot other. And they spend thousands of rupees for curing them.

But do you know that amalaki rasayan worth few hundreds can cure all kinds of eye problems and in fact prevent too. Yes, according to ancient ayurveda study, daily consumption of amla in any of it's forms can cure and prevent all eye diseases and keeps eye sight away even at the age of 80s and 90s. This is because of high quantities of C Vitamin in it.

So, just buy a bottle and consume 30 to 40 ml daily along with honey to stop suffering from eye problems.

15. Daily consumption can prevent heart attack

Amla juice is high in fiber and iron quantities. So, with the daily consumption, bad cholesterol gets reduced and this helps in preventing heart attacks.

16. Increases your sperm count and enhances sex stamina

One other great health benefit of amalaki rasayan is that it can increase sperm count naturally without any artificial medicines. This is the one of the top recommendations for infertility in Ayurveda. This not just increases sperm count but also increases sperm motility too.

So if you are one among those suffering from infertility and other sex problems, start consuming amla juice on every morning and night. You will be out of all sex problems in less than 3 weeks. For better results, consume Ashwagandha powder along with it. This gives you some extra stamina.

17. The best in curing constipation

Though constipation is mainly seen in old people and kids, this is another common health problem for many people of other ages too. Constipation generally happens due to poor digestion and other stomach problems. And amla ( amalaki ) juice is very effective in clearing all those problems and letting your stomach free.

So, make a habit of drinking it everyday on nights for better digestion and to cure constipation.

18. Good in increasing immunity naturally

Almost all diseases you get is due to to the low immunity power i.e. the strength to fight with the bacteria that causes the diseases. And because of low immunity power people suffer from a lot of common health problems like cough, cold, fever regularly.

So to increase your immunity, drink 35 to 35 ml of amla juice along with cow milk on everyday morning. Follow this for 15 to 25 days. You immunity strength gets increased naturally without any western medicines. And it's really awesome if you could follow this lifelong ( you would be a superman / superwoman then .. ha ha LOL ).

19. Can prevent cancer

Oh My God, that's amazing, right ?? amalaki rasayan can prevent cancer. Yes, due to being rich in antioxidants, it helps in preventing formation of free radicals and thus preventing chances of cancer.

20.Can cure piles

If you are suffering from bleeding problem with piles, then here is a simple tips to cure it. Just mix a table teaspoon of amalaki rasayan with curd cream and consume it. Do this for 4 to 5 times in a day, this helps in curing the problem.

And here it ends. In fact amalaki rasayan benefits not just end with these 20 but a lot more. But due to time factor I have listed only 20 benefits here in this post. Now why late, just go and buy some good amla juice and start using it as described above to get a lot of skin, hair and health benefits.

Now if you know any other good benefits of amla juice, kindly mention them in the comments section. Also don't forget to share this post in your social circles.

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