30 Top Home Remedies To Promote Hair Growth and Treat Hair Fall

30 Top Home Remedies To Promote Hair Growth and Treat Hair Fall

Top & best home remedies for hair growth, treat hair fall or loss naturally - Tipsmonk Thumbnail image

Are you worried about hair fall and searching for home remedies for hair growth & how to grow new hair naturally ? Then here are 30 top natural treatment for hair growth with tips you can do from home itself. 

These days Hair Fall has turned into a nightmare for people of almost all ages. With the worst lifestyle we are leading today, it is turning week and thin. We neither eat well balanced diet nor do proper exercise. Now how can we expect healthy, strong, black & thick hair. 

Due to huge hair fall and bald head problems, people are turning to artificial hair transplants like Dr. Batra's and many other transplant experts. And some other turn towards costly hair tonics and oils. 

But you know what, there are a lot of useful and most powerful natural remedies in your home which can bring you good results. But many are unaware of these great secrets. 

So for sake of all those people who are worrying a lot about hair fall, I have made some research on best home remedies for hair growth and listed these 30 top natural remedies on how to grow new hair naturally and how to cure hair fall at home itself. 

These are collected from various hair experts, ancient Ayurveda books, expert Yoga gurus, grandmas and from some other sources. These are proven tips and techniques. A lot had tried and experienced good results in the end. Now it's your turn try these natural treatments for hair growth. Now why late, just dive in to those amazing hair growth home remedies. 

Ayurveda Methods:

1. Triphala churn treatment for hair growth

Triphala churn is one of the most powerful medicine in Ayurveda. It is made from 3 Ayurveda herbs, which plays very key role in Ayurveda. You can get Triphala Chrun ( powder ) at any nearest alternate medicine stores. You can also order it online.

Now let me explain how this simple home remedy can be used for hair growth and regrowth.
  • First soak 1 teaspoon of Triphala churn in 1 glass of water and leave it for whole night
  • Then in the morning, boil this mixture until one quarter ( 1/4 th ) of the mixture remains in the bowl
  • Now apply and massage this paste deep into hair ( wash after 2 to 3 hours or you can leave it for while night )
This simple technique strengthens roots of hair and stops falling. This even promotes growth. This amazing technique is in practice in India from past hundreds of years. Even today many people practice this in Indian villages. Try this simple home remedy for 3 to 4 weeks and I am sure you will be surprised with the results. All your problems come to an end and you will be left with strong, long & black hair. This stands top in home remedies for hair growth.

2. Henna treatment for hair

Henna ( also called gorinta in Telugu ) is one great herb for hair growth. This is majorly used to colour hair and design as tattoos on hand. But Henna can make your hair grow thick, long and strong too. Just follow the simple steps mentioned below to make this amazing hair growth treatment.
  • First get some leaves ( gorinta aaku ) and flowers ( gorinta poolu ) of henna plant
  • Now make them into paste and squeeze out the juice
  • Now mix this extracted juice with coconut oil and boil it for 5 to 10 minutes on low flame 
  • Apply this deep into scalp and leave it for whole night
Try this twice or thrice a week and this brings your hair fall to an end and makes them strong by strengthening the roots. This even turns them shiny black.

3. Onion juice

You might be a little surprised with this. But believe me, this is one of the top recommended home remedy by experts on how to grow new hair naturally. This is very simple, natural and doesn't have any side effects.
  • Cut 1 medium size onion and make it into juice
  • Apply and rub this on the head portion where you lost hair
  • Make sure to rub well so that it gets into the scalp and leave for whole night
Follow this technique everyday for 15 to 20 days and you will be surprised with the results. Hundreds of people tried this and got good results. Many people are unaware of this simple home remedy and are spending thousands of dollars on various treatments.

4. Consume amla powder

Amla is one of the top and best natural herbs for hair in Ayurveda. Amla ( Indian Gooseberry ) is rich in C Vitamin. Ancient scholars used to suggest Amla for almost all hair problems like hairfall, grey or white hair, split ends, alopecia areata, male and female pattern baldness.

What all you need to do is,
  • Drink 1 table spoon of amla powder along with milk ( or water ) every night
Even yoga guru Baba Ramdev mentioned in many of his Hindi speeches which you could find in YouTube. You can buy Amla powder from any nearby Ayurveda herbs store or you can order it online too. 

If practised for long time, Balayam ( Nail rubbing exercise ) can really do wonders. For this you don't need any external things or herbs. You just need fingers and some time. 
  • Rub your finger nails vigorously for 5 to 10 minutes on mornings and evenings
This is one great technique for hair growth and regrowth mentioned in Ayurveda and Acupressure. Thousands of people in countries like India, United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, China, UAE, Australia had tried this technique and got good results. Now it's your turn. Read in depth about Balayam yoga - Nail rubbing benefits and side effects for hair.

6. Tamarind paste

Top & best home remedies for hair growth, treat hair fall or loss naturally image - Tipsmonk

A little surprise again ?? Don't worry, this works best and completely natural. This is one great secret of strong and long hair of aged women in remote villages of India. This is one of the top grandma tips for healthy growth.
  • Bring some fresh tamarind and put it in a bow of water for 2 to 3 hours
  • Now squash it well and make it into paste with hand itself
  • Then rub your hair with that tamarind paste well ( rinse well for 10 to 15 minutes )
  • Leave it for 2 to 3 hours and wash
With this simple routine, they turn strong and fall gets reduced. Follow this twice a week. This even turns them shiny black and silky smooth.
If you are from South India, you might already know the power of castor oil. Though kids hate it, almost all parents used to apply this sticky oil on their kids' heads. And the reason is for strong, black hair and good memory. It even cools the brain.
  • Apply castor oil and massage for 5 to 10 minutes with finger nails. 
  • Leave for whole night and wash in the morning with reetha ( soap nuts )
Castor Oil works like magic. This even clears thin hair problem and makes it thick. This is the secret of many aged people in South India. Try this everyday for 15 days and you will be surprised by the results for sure. 

Top & best home remedies for hair growth, treat hair fall or loss naturally image - Tipsmonk

Fenugreek ( methi ) seeds can work like wonder for new hair growth naturally. 
  • Get some Fenugreek ( methi ) seeds and soak them in water for the whole night
  • The next morning make those seeds into fine paste
  • Now apply this paste and massage gently so that it gets deep into roots
  • Leave it for 1 or 2 hours and clean with reetha ( soap nuts )
Try this natural home remedy alternate days for 1 month and you can observe the results. 

Coconut oil has many essential nutrients that are needed for healthy and fast growth. And with coconut oil massage, those nutrients gets penetrated well into your hair and promotes growth.
  • Get some pure coconut oil and massage with finger tips for 8 to 10 minutes
This is widely known secret in Kerala. Almost everyone in that state use coconut oil and that's why their hair stays strong and black even in old age. You too try this.

10. Radish juice hair treatment

This works same like onion how I said in 3rd home remedy. 
  • Cut 1 radish and make it into juice
  • Apply and rub this on the head portion where you lost with some cotton cloth
  • Make sure to rub well so that it gets penetrated deep into the scalp and leave for the whole night
This is one another natural treatment for hair growth that works best. So if you are suffering from bald head problem, you don't need to go for transplantation and spend lakhs on it. Just follow this simple technique and they will start growing back in less than 45 days.

11. Bhringraj hair oil

Believe it or not, Bhringraj oil is the world's best oil for hair growth & regrowth. This works like magic & clears all problems like hair fall, pattern baldness in men and women, greying and many other.
  • Get some Bhringraj oil and massage it for 10 to 15 minutes
  • Clean on the next morning with Shikakai or Kunkudukai powder
This great secret is mentioned in ancient texts of Ayurveda by renowned Indian scholars of alternative medicine.

12. Eat curry leaves powder

Top & best home remedies for hair growth, treat hair fall or loss naturally image - Tipsmonk

Curry leaves has amazing nutrients and vitamins to cure hair loss, premature greying, split ends & many other problems. This is why curry leaves powder is added into daily food by ancient Indians.
  • Eat curry leaves powder along with ghee either in rice or chapati 
You can get ready made curry leaves powder from any super market. You can even make it yourself at home. First get some dried curry leaves and make them into fine powder. Now add sufficient salt, chilli powder and some garlic cloves. 

Since there are a lot of benefits of curry leaves, I recommend you to consume it twice a day for better results. Try this simple kitchen remedy for 20 days and get surprised with the results.

13. Massage with Hibiscus oil

Hibiscus oil can bring you many benefits. You can either make it at your home yourself or you can buy it online.
  • Apply and massage hair gently with Hibiscus oil for 5 to 10 minutes
  • Leave it for one night and wash in the morning
Try this routine for 30 days on alternate days for better results.

In the 4th home remedy I have already mentioned that Amla is too good for hair and recommended to drink it daily. Now it's time to apply.
  • Get some Amla ( Indian Gooseberry ) powder and mix it with water or coconut oil to make it a paste
  • Now apply this paste and massage so that it gets penetrated into the scalp
  • Leave it for 1 hour and wash away with 

15. Massage with Neem oil

Neem is one of the most effective herbs in Ayurveda. It is used to treat many health and beauty problems. It works best for skin and hair. Neem oil can kill those harmful things that are causing damage and bring your lost hair back.
  • Apply and massage Neem oil for 5 to 10 minutes
  • Leave it for 1 night and wash in the morning with soapnut powder or paste

16. Hibiscus leaves for hair

Taking from leaves to flowers, almost all parts of hibiscus plant are beneficial for hair.
  • Get some fresh hibiscus leaves and make it into paste by adding some water
  • Now apply this hibiscus leaves paste deep into scalp 
  • Leave it for 2 hours and wash with soapnuts
This simple home remedy can strengthen the roots and make them strong. Follow this simple routine thrice a week for 30 days and you will observe them turning healthy and strong. Since it got many benefits and uses for hair, it's better to have a hibiscus plant in home garden.

17. Use Shikakai instead of shampoo

Shampoos contain many artificial substances that can lead to damage. Our ancestors and grandmas used to use Shikakai ( Sikakai ) as shampoo and this is the great secret behind their strong hair even in 90's. Even today many Bollywood and other Indian actors and actresses use Shikakai as natural alternative for shampoos.
  • Mix 2 or 3 tablespoons of Shikakai powder with some water and make it into paste
  • Apply and rinse on wet hair
  • Leave it for 2 to 3 minutes and wash with water
  • Repeat this twice or thrice so that hair gets cleaned well
You can get Shikakai powder from any local herbs store. You can order it online too. You can even make yourself at home by getting Sikakai seeds. 
I have already mentioned that curry leaves are one of the top hair growth treatment recommended by proffessionals. Earlier I have suggested you to eat it. Now it's time to apply. Follow the steps below
  • Get some coconut oil and boil it along with some curry leaves in it
  • Boil under low flame for 20 to 30 minutes
  • Now take out the oil along with leaves and store in a bottle
  • Apply this oil twice or thrice in a week
Try this natural home remedy for 4 to 5 weeks and you will start observing the results. 

19. Eat Yellow peppers

Yellow pepper is rich in Vitamin C which is very useful vitamin for hair growth.
  • Add Yellow peppers regularly into your diet
Eating Yellow peppers daily can strengthen the roots and stop the loss subsequently. 
Leafy green vegetables are high in anti-oxidants, proteins, vitamin C and vitamin E which plays key role in hair growth.
  • Consume all kinds of leafy green vegetables ( better just boiled ) 
By adding leafy green vegetables daily, your body gets all the essential elements that your hair need for its growth.

21. Practise yoga poses for hair

There are some best asanas ( poses ) in Yoga that can cure hair loss.
  • Do yoga poses namely Pavanamuktasana, Uttanpadasana, Adho Mukha Savasana, Apanasana, Sasangasana, Sarvangasana each for 2 to 3 minutes either on early mornings or evenings 
These are very effective for growth and can yield desired results without spending any money. But you need to have patience for this because yoga doesn't give you instant results. You need to practice them for long time, but these give permanent results.

22. Olive oil treatment

The Olive oil treatment for hair fall that I am going to mention now is by a great ayurveda guru of Telugu state. What you need to do is,
  • Get some pure olive oil and heat it for a while
  • Now add 1 table spoon of pure honey in it
  • And add one spoon of cinnamon powder in it
  • Mix it well and make it into a fine paste
  • Now apply this and massage deep into scalp and on bald spots for 10 to 15 minutes
  • Leave for 15 more minutes and wash with Shikakai powder or reetha ( kunkudukai / kunkudkaya )
This technique is tried by many Indian women and got good results. This natural treatment not just gives relief for hair fall but also it treats bald head too.

23. Drink amala juice daily

Well, third time for amla ( Indian Gooseberry ). By mentioning it again and again, now you should have got some clear understanding of how effective amla is for hair growth. 
  • Get amla juice and drink 2 table spoons of it along with milk or water every night
Try this for 30 days to 45 days and you will see the results.

24. Aloevera treatment for hair growth

Aloe Vera is one of those most used herbs in hair and beauty products. Aloe Vera gel can strengthen the roots and make them strong.
  • Get some pure Aloevera gel and add some coconut oil in it. 
  • Apply it and leave for 30 minutes
  • Now wash with Shikakai powder or reetha ( soap nuts )
This simple routine not just works for loss, but very useful in hair conditioning too. So smooth & strong in single step. 

Either white or black, eat a fist of sesame seeds daily on early mornings. Sesame seeds contain some amazing minerals and vitamins like calcium, Copper, Manganese along with Vitamin B1 and natural anti-oxidants which are very useful.
  • Eat a fist of sesame seeds as soon as you woke up on the morning 
Try this home remedy for 45 days to 60 days. Your hair fall stops, and they even turn strong & thick. You know what, black sesame seeds can also cure premature hair greying. And one more additional benefit. You teeth stays strong even in 70's and 80's. Amazing home remedy .. right ??

26. Massage hair with Brahmi oil

Though many people are unfamiliar with this name, this is one of the most powerful hair oil in the world. It's importance is greatly mentioned in many ancient alternate medicine texts related to hair. 

Brahmi oil is made from its leaves and this herb is mostly available in India only. Brahmi is grown only in few other countries apart from India. Both Indian men and women have been using this oil from past thousands of years.

Brahmi oil contains most essential nutrients that plays vital role in hair growth. 
  • Get some Brahmi oil and massage gently so that it reaches into scalp for 10 to 15 minutes
Follow this technique daily for 15 to 20 days and you will be really surprised with the results. 
Ohh, smells bad..right ?? But needed if you want strong hair. Do you know why those body builders eat lot of eggs everyday. Because it's high in protein and other useful minerals and vitamins.

And even your hair too need those proteins & other vitamins for healthy hair growth.
  • Break an egg and pour it in a bowl
  • Now mix some coconut oil or almond oil into it
  • Make it into paste & apply this mask on hair
  • Leave it for 30 to 45 minutes until it gets completely dried
  • Now wash it well with Shikakai powder or reetha ( soap nuts )
Since it smells a little stinky be sure to wash well. This natural hair growth treatment can be useful in providing appropriate amount of protein for healthy growth. 

28. Massage with Black Sesame oil 

I have already mentioned that Sesame seeds are one of the best hair home remedies and this time you need Black sesame seeds oil.
  • Massage with Sesame seeds oil twice or thrice in a week for 5 to 10 minutes slowly with finger tips
This strengthens the roots and makes them thick. This also increases blood flow in the head part and promotes faster growth.
Sunflower seeds are rich in Vitamin E which is very essential for healthy hair growth. 
  • Eat a small cup of Sunflower seeds everyday 
This simple routine can increase blood flow into your scalp. But take care, eating too much of Sunflower seeds leads to headache for some people. 

This is my best home remedy for hair growth which I rely on. This is the most hidden secret of many actresses and celebrities.
  • Massage with almond oil everyday for 5 minutes
Since almond oil is not too sticky, you can apply and go out. But be sure to cover with some clean cloth to avoid pollution & thereby lead to dandruff. 

Well, here it ends. So, now you are with 30 most effective natural home remedies to treat hair fall. Why late, just try these natural remedies from today itself and get back your lost hair. And make your hair strong, long, thick and black in less than 30 days

All the best !!!

Before you leave, kindly share this article in your social circles. Because, they say sharing is caring. And also let me know if there are any other home remedies and natural treatments for hair growth that you know. Write them below in the comments section. 

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